Day #26 Florham Park, NJ to NYC "Ground Zero" to Woodbridge, NJ
Nearly 500 riders and support converged in Florham Park for the beginning of the Police Unity Tour including 3 additional members of the Amherst Police Department, Tom Maier, Robert Stephens and David Van Dusen, 60 more riders from California, 200 New Jersey riders and many others from different States.
Before the ride an outdoor breakfast of bagels, coffee, fruit and assorted cereals were served, and it was apparent from the beginning that the hard working members of the Police Unity Tour staff had done an exemplary job. The logistics of putting together an event such as this is a feat in itself. Trying to move 400 cyclists, 50 motors, numerous support vehicles, feeding them all and managing traffic to the point that the Holland Tunnel, NYC was shut down, is a testament to the hard work and effort put into this. We take our hats of to the hard working men and women of the Police Unity Tour.
Our days ride took us to Jersey City to a bridge where on Christmas 2005 two Officers Sean Carson and Robert Nguyen were killed in an accident during a heavy fog. All riders dismounted and removed their helmet as they walked their bikes in silence honoring their fallen comrades.
Our next stop was Ground Zero, site of the World Trade Center buildings where an emotional ceremony was held honoring the 72 Law Enforcement Officers who were killed on 9-11. The ceremony was opened with the National Anthem, bagpipes and a reading of all 72 names. The NYPD bestowed two well deserved awards to Pat Montuore and Harry Phillips honoring their hard work in supporting the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial and congratulating them on the 10 year anniversary of the Police Unity Tour.
Later while speaking with Pat Montuore he said he wanted to let everyone know that he “appreciates all the support that the Police Unity Tour has received.” He especially wanted to note that without the support of the Local Cities and Towns we pass through our mission could not be a success.

what up daddio....hope the east coast is here is nicht so gut. i'm still loving the blog...especially the part about assorted cereals. yum. well, enjoy the last few days of the ride. hope to see ya later this summer.
Congrats guys, you made it. All of us at the Berks County Sheriffs Dept. wish you all good luck and good health on your trek to D.C.. Take care and be safe.
What an accomplishment! Across this great county in 3 weeks! I wish the entire country knew of your committment, and the comittment of the men and women (and their families and friends) of those lost in the battle to do what is right. Congratulations to all of you, enjoy the final few days, and we all await your return home! Nice work!
Lori W
Dawn, eat up, 'cause any weight loss on you will require me to pig out with you...and that would be BAD! Hugs!
Hey Dad. I just wanted to let you know that I missed you today, so I did a late night Mighty Taco run, and I swear, I thought of you the whole time!!! Can't wait to see you. I love you
CONGRATULATION!!!We are proud of all of you. This is a very special way to honor our fallen officers.Thank you
Tony, your Canyon family is so proud of you. We've been praying for you and look forward to your return. You did it! Joy to you this day!
Terrific run. I've been reading the blog every day and I feel like I've been with you guys the whole time but without the cold and wet and wind...
Congrats to all of you. What a great way of honoring your fallen brothers. Bruce and Nancy, I bet you will take a few days off the bike before rejoining your Wednesday bike buddies!
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